Recipe 3:
Viennese tafelspitz

Ingredients for 4 – 6
3 – 4L water1kg top round cap (tafelspitz)
1/2kg beef bones
8 marrow bones
2 onions
2 carrots
2 yellow carrots
2 root parsleys
1/4 celery
1/2 leek
1 garlic clove
4 bay leaves
1 bunch of parsley
1 small bunch of lovage
1T clarified butter
Black bread
Pepper and juniper berries
A simmering love story.
Thanks to Kaiser Franz Joseph I, this simple dish gained notoriety and is the poster child for Austrian beef. In the recipe, you’ll find meat from the leg, the prime cut of which is the tip, spitz in German, which is where the name comes from.
Here’s how it’s done:
Blanch the beef bones in boiling water, drain and rinse them in cold water. Place bones in a stockpot with cold water and bring to a boil. Add the meat and simmer until tender. Occasionally skim off the foam and fat. Wash, trim, peel and chop carrots, beets, celery, root parsley and leek. Cut the onions in half and brown the four halves in a pan without oil until partially charred. When the foam subsides from the broth, add the remaining ingredients (except the garlic clove and marrow bones) and continue to simmer, after 2-3 hours strain the broth and salt to taste. Blanch the marrow bones briefly, drain well and remove the marrow from the bones. Chop the root vegetables and slice the boiled beef. Add everything to the broth and reheat it again. While reheating, slice bread into 1cm thick slices and fry in a pan with a nob of clarified butter. Once toasted, rub the garlic clove on the bread and top with a layer of bone marrow. Serve the tafelspitz with rösti, apple-horseradish and chive sauce.
Cooking by pictures.
Step by step:
Viennese tafelspitz